Why Do Some Families Bury Remains Following Cremation Services?
Following cremation services in Yonkers, NY, families are able to do almost anything that they want with their loved one’s cremated remains. They can take them home and put them on display in an urn. They can also take them out to a place that was special to their loved one and scatter them there. These days, families can even have their loved one’s remains put into jewelry and other keepsakes that they’ll cherish forever.
But there are a growing number of families that are opting to bury their loved one’s remains, even though that seems like it would be counterproductive. Many people, after all, choose to get cremated to avoid being buried underground. These families have good reasons for burying their loved one’s remains, though. Here are a few of them.
To provide families with a centralized location to visit their loved one
In the months and years following a person’s death, their family members and friends will often come to visit their cremated remains. This can be inconvenient for some families if they’re stored in someone’s home. By burying cremated remains, families provide their fellow family members with a centralized location to visit their loved ones. They can go to the site of a person’s burial and visit with them whenever they want.
To stay in accordance with the rules of their loved one’s religion
There are many religions that have come around to the idea of Yonkers, NY cremation in recent years. While most major religions used to be steadfastly against cremation, many now allow it. There are, however, some religions, like Catholicism, that ask for a person’s cremated remains to be buried if they choose to go with cremation. You should keep this in mind if your loved one was Catholic.
To keep their loved one with their spouse
Even if they’re both going to be cremated, many spouses ask their families to keep them together following their respective deaths. In order to do this, many families will have a couple cremated separately before burying their remains on the same plot of land. This is a very easy way of keeping spouses together and honoring their final wishes. It’s a way for a couple to spend eternity together.
To give their loved one what they wanted
If you know that a loved one wants to be cremated at the time of their death, you should attempt to ask them where they would like their cremated remains to be placed when they die. In some cases, they might specifically request for their remains to be buried rather than displayed at home or scattered in some random place. You should give them what they wanted when the time comes.
Are you stuck as far as what you want to do with your loved one’s cremated remains? Let Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. talk to you about some of your best options. Reach out to us at (718) 884-6100 or take a trip down to see us at our Yonkers, NY funeral home at 6110 Riverdale Ave, Bronx, NY 10471 for more information on what you can do with a person’s remains after their cremation is complete.