Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. - Bronx, NY

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Things You Shouldn’t Say to Grieving Families at Funeral Homes

Do you struggle to find the right words to say to grieving families when you come across them at funeral homes in Kingsbridge, NY? It can be difficult to come up with something on the spot, which is why you should plan ahead. Settling on something as simple as, “I’m so sorry for your loss,” can really go a long way. It’ll help you avoid saying the wrong thing to a family that’s deep in mourning. Whatever you do, here are several things that you should not say to a family when they’re grieving the loss of a loved one. 


“How are you doing?” 

Generally speaking, you should try to avoid asking any questions to someone who is grieving. They probably don’t feel like talking very much, so the last thing you want to do is ask a question that requires a response. And you really don’t want to ask a question like this since it’s going to be pretty obvious how they’re doing. You’re better off just saying you’re sorry and keeping it moving rather than asking an open-ended question like this that isn’t going to get a very favorable response in most cases. 


“At least they’re in a better place” 

Some grieving families will say this themselves when they’re mourning the loss of a loved one. If they say it to you, you should feel free to go along with it if you want. But if they don’t bring it up, it’s best not to mention anything about a family’s loved one being “in a better place.” The only thing it’s going to do is remind them that their loved one is no longer with them. 


“I understand exactly how you feel” 

If you’ve lost someone who was close to you within the last year or two, you might be tempted to try and use that to your advantage when talking to a grieving family. But more often than not, it’s going to come back to bite you. You might think that you understand how a family feels after losing a loved one since you went through something similar. But it’s impossible for you to know exactly what another person is feeling following a loved one’s loss. So it wouldn’t be right for you to assume that you know more than you do. 


“We all knew this day would come eventually” 

Death is inevitable for everyone. At some point, everyone is going to reach the end of their lives. But that doesn’t mean that you need to point this out when a family is grieving a loved one’s death. You’re likely going to come across as being very insensitive if you take this approach while speaking to a family at their loved one’s Kingsbridge, NY funeral services


Is your family getting ready to gather to celebrate your loved one’s life? Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. can provide you with everything you’ll need to do it. We may not be able to stop people from saying some of the things listed here, but we can help you put together services that will surround you with more than enough support during your troubled times. Call us to start the Kingsbridge, NY funeral planning process.