Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. - Bronx, NY

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How to Go About Burying Remains Following Cremation Services

If you and your family would like to place your loved one’s remains into an urn following their cremation services in North Riverdale, NY and bring them home with you, you’re welcome to do it. You’re also welcome to take your loved one’s remains to a special place and scatter them there if you want. But there is a third option that some families have started to take advantage of, too. You can bury your loved one’s remains if you would like to keep them safe in one centralized location. Here is how to go about doing this.

Start by having your loved one cremated through a local funeral home.

The first thing that you’ll obviously have to do when you’re interested in burying your loved one’s remains is schedule a North Riverdale, NY cremation for them at a local funeral home. You should be able to find a funeral home that can carry out a cremation for you. Let them know that you’re going to be burying your loved one’s remains when everything is all said and done. It’ll allow them to guide you through the cremation process.

Put your loved one’s remains into an urn following their cremation.

After your loved one’s body has been cremated, you’ll be left with their cremated remains. If you’re going to bury the remains, you’re going to want to have them put into an urn. You don’t have to pick out an urn that’s too fancy since it’s going to be buried anyway. But you have the right to choose whichever urn that you would like for your loved one. It should be something unique to them that shows off their personality in some way. Make sure you come up with a budget for their urn in advance so that you buy something that you know you can afford.

Pick out a burial plot for your loved one’s remains.

While you’re working your way through the process of cremating your loved one and placing their remains into an urn, you should also find a cemetery that can provide you with a burial plot for their remains. You should try and find a cemetery that’s situated somewhere in the general vicinity of your home so that you don’t have any issues getting to it to visit your loved one’s burial plot. Give the cemetery a heads-up about the fact that you’re going to be burying an urn and not a casket. It’ll help them track down the right plot for you.

Place your loved one’s urn into a cremation vault and have it buried during an official ceremony.

Prior to burying your loved one’s remains in an urn, you’re usually going to have to stick the urn into a cremation vault. This vault will ensure that your loved one’s urn doesn’t get destroyed when people and lawn equipment pass over the top of the soil that rests on it. Buying a cremation vault is typically required at most cemeteries. It’ll call for you to make another investment in your loved one’s funeral services, but it’ll be well worth it when you consider the protection it’ll provide for their urn. Once you have a cremation vault all picked out, you can put the urn inside of it and hold a special ceremony while burying it in the ground.

Do you want to bury your loved one’s cremated remains at the conclusion of their cremation services? Then you need a North Riverdale, NY funeral home that can help you make this possible. Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. can get the job done for you. Contact us for more information on our cremation services.