Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. - Bronx, NY

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What Is a Cremation Vault? Everything You Need to Know About It

Is your plan to bury a loved one’s remains in a cemetery following their cremation services in Riverdale, NY? You’ll need to start by investing in a burial plot for them. You’ll also have to think about obtaining a headstone or some other kind of marker for their plot. But maybe most importantly, you’re likely going to be required to buy a cremation vault that you can use to house their urn. Discover what a cremation vault is and why it’s so necessary below.

What is a cremation vault?

Before we begin talking about why you’re going to need a cremation vault to house your loved one’s urn, it’s important for you to understand what one is. A cremation vault is a receptacle that is used to house an urn and provide it with protection. It can be made out of any number of materials, including metal, stone, fiberglass, or even plastic. It’s usually lined on the inside and is designed to be sealed shut once an urn is placed in it. It’s a lot stronger and sturdier than your average urn is.

Why is a cremation vault a necessity?

If you’re already going to be placing your loved one’s remains into an urn at the conclusion of their Riverdale, NY cremation, then why do you need to buy a cremation vault, too? That’s the question that a lot of people ask when burying a loved one’s remains. The answer is simple. Most urns are strong enough to withstand being buried in the ground. The weight of the soil that will sit on top of them and the weight of any lawn maintenance equipment that will pass over them over the years will eventually cause them to crumble. A cremation vault will prevent this from happening and keep a person’s urn safe and sound.

How much does a cremation vault cost?

The good news for those who need to invest in a cremation vault prior to burying a loved one’s cremated remains is that they don’t cost that much in most cases. The total price that you’ll have to pay for a cremation vault will vary depending on what kind of cremation vault that you buy. But generally speaking, they usually come in at under $1,000. You can shop around for one that’ll fit nicely into your budget when you’re in the market for one.

Who can help you find a cremation vault?

If you need to get your hands on a cremation vault for a loved one’s funeral services, you’re welcome to shop for one online. But you can also speak with your funeral home to see if they can find one that will fit into your price range. They can show you some of the best options that are out there and assist you in tracking down a cremation vault that will provide your loved one’s urn with all the protection that it’ll need.

Do you want to find out more about cremation vaults and cremations in general? Then you need a Riverdale, NY funeral home like Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. on your side. We can speak with you at length about our cremation services and give you details on how they work. Contact us today to talk to a funeral director about the cremation process.