Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. - Bronx, NY

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Useful Tips for Including Kids in a Loved One’s Cremation Service

Is your family going to be planning a cremation service in Bronx, NY for a loved one? If so, it might be difficult for any kids that are a part of your family to wrap their heads around what is happening. One way to help them to understand is by including them in the cremation service in some way. There are actually a bunch of ways in which you can get them involved in your loved one’s cremation service. Check out some tips for including kids in a loved one’s cremation service below.

Begin by explaining the cremation process to kids.

Before you do anything else, you should sit down with any kids in your family and talk to them about Bronx, NY cremations and what they entail. As long as the kids are old enough, they should be able to get a slightly better understanding of the cremation process after hearing your explanation. You don’t need to go into all the details of a cremation. But you should touch on some cremation-related topics while talking with the kids.

Invite kids to participate in a loved one’s funeral.

Even though you’re going to be cremating a loved one, you should still try to hold a funeral for them. And when you do, you should make sure that kids play a key part in it. In some instances, you might want to have kids do a reading during a funeral. In others, you might want to give them an opportunity to sing a song in remembrance of your loved one during a funeral. It’ll be up to you to decide which direction you and your family would like to go in.

Ask kids to create something for a loved one’s cremation container.

After your loved one’s funeral is over, a funeral home will begin to get them ready for their cremation. While doing this, they’ll place your loved one’s body into a combustible cremation container. They’ll also typically give your family a chance to put items into this container so that they can be cremated along with your loved one’s body. You might want to ask the kids in your family to write letters or draw pictures that they can then put into the container. You might even want to ask them if they would like to put something like stuffed animals into this container.

Bring kids when you scatter a loved one’s remains.

If your family is going to scatter a loved one’s remains following their cremation, you might want to have kids attend their ash scattering ceremony. This will really drive home the point as far as what is happening. The kids will get to say goodbye to your loved one when they’re allowed to attend the ash scattering ceremony. It’s just one more way to include kids in a loved one’s cremation service so that they’re able to get something out of it.

Do you want to find some other unique ways to invite the kids in your family to participate in a loved one’s Bronx, NY cremation? Our funeral home can provide you with additional suggestions. Give us a call today and let us handle all your cremation needs.