Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. - Bronx, NY

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Tips for Choosing the Right Pallbearers for a Funeral

Is your family going to hold a funeral at a funeral home in Bronx, NY soon and then bury a loved one after it? If you are, you will need to choose at least a few pallbearers to carry your loved one’s casket throughout the course of the funeral proceedings. But it isn’t always easy for families to decide who they should pick to be pallbearers for a loved one’s funeral. Here are some tips that should help you select the best possible pallbearers for your loved one’s funeral.

Begin by considering immediate family members and close family friends.

The pallbearers that you pick for a loved one’s Bronx, NY funeral services shouldn’t just be randomly selected people. They should be some of your immediate family members and/or your close family friends. If you have a very small family or a tight friend circle, you might have to look outside of this group for help. But generally speaking, you should try to make sure that pallbearers always have a close connection to the deceased.

Look for people who don’t look like they’ll have a problem serving as pallbearers.

When you get a group of people together to carry a loved one’s casket, they shouldn’t have any trouble doing it as long as they work as a unit. You don’t necessarily need to have a bunch of bodybuilders carry a casket to get the job done. But with that being said, you should look for people who are in decent enough shape to serve as pallbearers. You don’t want to have anyone trying to lift up a loved one’s casket if they have, say, a bad back or a heart condition.

Think about asking those who can’t serve as actual pallbearers to be honorary ones.

In the event that you have some family members and/or close friends who would be great pallbearers but who can’t perform pallbearer duties, you should think about asking them to be honorary pallbearers for your loved one. These types of pallbearers will walk alongside the other pallbearers at your loved one’s funeral. But they won’t have to worry about picking up their casket and carrying it around. Those who are injured, on the older side, etc. should be considered for honorary pallbearer positions.

Come up with the right way to ask people to be pallbearers.

Regardless of who you decide to ask to be pallbearers, you should find the right time to ask them. You should also choose your words carefully when asking people to be pallbearers. Most people who you ask will happily accept your invitation as long as you are polite about it. They’ll see it as an honor to help you out. But you’ll have to look for the right way to ask people to be pallbearers to get this kind of reaction.

You’re ultimately going to have to decide who you would like to serve as pallbearers at your loved one’s funeral services. But our Bronx, NY funeral home can assist you in making many of the other decisions that you’ll need to make as you’re putting funeral plans in place. Reach out to us to get the help of one of our funeral directors.