4 Reasons Why Families Still Choose Traditional Burial Services

At this point, you’ve probably heard that cremation services are more popular than they’ve ever been in this country. Many of the families that walk into funeral homes in Kingsbridge, NY to plan funerals for their loved ones are there to arrange cremation services. But there are still some families out there that refuse to get on board with cremation services and choose traditional burial services instead. Here are 4 reasons why they do it.

They’re continuing a tradition their family started a long time ago.

There are some families who have had their family members buried in the same cemetery for generations now. Holding traditional burial services for their loved ones has turned into a tradition that they’re not ready to break. If your family falls into this category, there is nothing wrong with keeping a tradition like this alive. You don’t have to use Kingsbridge, NY cremation services just because everyone else is.

They’re sticking to the teachings of their religion.

There are a lot of major religions that have come around to allowing people to be cremated after being opposed to it for so many years. Catholicism and many branches of Christianity are some of the first religions that come to mind in this regard. But there are also many religions that remain steadfastly against allowing people to be cremated. Judaism, for instance, doesn’t allow cremation. You and your family should continue to choose traditional burial services if your religion doesn’t permit cremation to be an option.

They’re not in love with the idea of cremation.

Over the years, a lot of old myths about cremation have disappeared. For example, people now understand that cremation does not involve fire in any way. This has caused some people to reconsider it as an option. But there are some people who just can’t get down with the idea of being cremated or cremating a loved one. They have decided it’s simply not for them and their family. If you’re not comfortable with the thought of cremation just yet, you and your family can keep utilizing traditional burial services.

They’re not concerned about the extra cost associated with a burial.

Generally speaking, cremations cost less than traditional burials. It’s one of the main reasons why cremation has turned into such a popular method of disposition. But not everyone is concerned about cost when it comes to laying a loved one to rest. Some families are more than happy to fork over a little extra money to cover the cost of a burial rather than cremating their loved one.

Would you prefer to bury your loved one instead of cremating them? Riverdale-on-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. would be happy to help you do it. We offer a slew of Kingsbridge, NY funeral services, including those specifically designed for Jewish, Spanish, and Catholic families. Reach out to us at (718) 884-6100 or pay us a visit at 6110 Riverdale Ave, Bronx, NY 10471 to start planning funeral services for your loved one today.