Jose Hector Gonzalez
J. Hector Gonzalez, a man defined by his commitment to his family, and an insatiable desire for books and music, passed away on May 11, 2020 due to complications from COVID-19. He was 58 years old. Hector grew up in El Salvador, where he fought in his country’s revolution against tyrannical oligarchy, which influenced his beliefs on right, wrong, and justice. Like many Americans, he came to the United States as a young man for a new start. Although having a Bachelors in Biochemistry, he dabbled in theater, writing plays in Spanish and English and singing in choirs. He met his future wife Janet in the singing class of the Puerto Rican Traveling theatre. The two of them married four years later and raised their two sons together, Brian and Jake. He was a loyal son, a thoughtful older brother, a devoted husband and the best father. These were evident in everything he did from the way he treated people to the way he interacted with his family. Even in his final days, we believe that he took solace in the fact that he accomplished what he came here to do. To enjoy himself as an American citizen, to bring laughter, to love the woman of his dreams, and to give his children a life better than his own. He will be greatly missed and never be forgotten.